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I call WebView.clearHistory(), but I am still able to go back after doing so. I want to reuse a WebView, but I don’t want the back button to allow the user to go back further than the current “session” of using the WebView. Anybody know what is the best way to handle this? I thought for sure that clearHistory() would do it.


I recently had the same issue. What I found is that you have to clear history AFTER the (first) page loads. It appears that the history clears everything before the current page so if your browser is at page “A”, you clear history and navigate to page “B” your history will be “A” “B”, not just “B”, but if you clear history when “B” finishes loading you will have only “B”. In my case I end up using “onPageFinished” method of the WebViwClient, but in this case you have to know what your start page is and clear the history only after it otherwise you will be clearing the history after every page navigated after the first. Stefan